What To Post On Social Media In May For Dental Offices

Social Media For Dentists - May Ideas
As May approaches, it’s time to plan your social media marketing for dentists strategy for the month!

So, where should you start with posts for this month?

Today, we’ll take a closer look at what dentists should post on social media in May.

Keep reading for a list of engaging post ideas!

Timely Topics

May is a somewhat “in-between” month, right on the brink of spring and summer. In many cases, kids are still in school, and the full summer festivities are still slightly out of reach.

This makes May the PERFECT time to promote the upcoming summer season including wedding season, summer break, vacation time, etc.

Talk about these upcoming summer events throughout the month and how now is the right time to visit the dentist. You can dedicate various posts to services that will help patients prepare for their upcoming summer plans.

Here are a few ideas:
  • Wedding season and teeth whitening
  • Summer break and kids' dental cleanings
  • Vacations and dental cleanings, exams, tooth fillings, etc


May is well known for Mother’s Day and Memorial Day. Of course, you want to post about these major holidays to stay connected with your audience, but did you also know it’s National Smile Month?

Here’s the list of holidays to note for your social media content calendar this month:
  • Month - National Smile Month: National Smile Month gives you several great opportunities to feature patients and show off their smiles.
  • May 8th - Mother’s Day: Give a shout-out to all of your patients who are mothers and to the mothers on your team! Consider sharing a feature of a supermom on your team to humanize your dental practice even more!
  • May 11- National Root Canal Day: Root canals are very common dental treatments, but they are often preventable. Share some helpful facts or tips about root canals on this day.
  • May 23 - Victoria Day: Celebrate this Canadian holiday with a simple post!
  • May 30 - Memorial Day: Wish your patients a Happy Memorial Day and respectfully pay homage to those who passed while serving.

Personal Touch

Personalizing your dental practice always goes a long way to building and strengthening your patient relationships. Sprinkle a personal touch into your posts this month.

Here are a few options for getting personal this month:
  • Tell patients why you chose to become a dentist.
  • Share a patient testimonial.
  • Talk about a challenge you overcome in dentistry.
  • Share something you’ve learned being a dentist.

Streamline May Social Media Marketing for Dentists!

As helpful as social media can be for building your reputation and growing your practice, it takes time and expertise to see results. Of course, time is not something you have much extra of as you run your dental practice.

That’s where we can help.

Dental Marketer is your trusted dental marketing expert in Toronto to streamline your entire digital marketing strategy, including social media marketing for dentists.

Start by checking out our helpful resources including:
To save the most time with the most effective strategy, turn to our social media marketing experts. We’d love to talk more about how we can help your dental practice through social media marketing and our other dental marketing services . Book your free breakthrough call now!

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