Dos and Don’ts of Dental Advertising

Dos and Don'ts of Dental Advertising

Dental ads are a great way to target your ideal patients and generate a ton of leads in a short time. Every comprehensive dental marketing strategy includes dental ads as a key component.


However, you can’t just use any old dental ads. Effective dental advertising follows a few crucial dos and don’ts.Here’s what to keep in mind when running a dental advertisement.

Do use a variety of keywords

Your dental ads should include high-funnel, mid-funnel, and low-funnel keywords.


  • High funnel: words that patients use to search early in their cycle. They aren’t exactly sure what they are looking for or all of the details.
    • Dental office
    • Dentist
  • Mid-funnel keywords: related to commercial intent
  • Low-funnel keywords: very close to commercial intent, likely connected with someone making a purchase
    • Emergency dental clinic near me


The various keyword funnels appeal to patients in different stages. Consider your audience when creating an ad, as that should guide the keywords.

Don’t run dental ads when you don’t allow appointment bookings

Don’t run dental ads when you cannot accept appointments. It does no good if a prospect sees your dental ad at 8 pm if they cannot book their appointment right away.


You can set your ads to run at certain times. The best way to prevent this is to offer online appointment booking.

Do use quality ad copy

Writing quality is key for dental advertising. Your ads must stand out against the competition to attract patients. A few dental ad copywriting tips include:

  • Alleviate fear
  • Use open, inviting language
  • Focus on warm adjectives
  • Use positive language
  • Use the language patients use when they search
  • Include strong action words

Don’t inaccurately use specialist titles

Only use the term “specialist” if you are on the GDG specialist list. Otherwise, you should not imply that you are a specialist in something like orthodontics. Instead, it’s better to state you have “experience in” that area.

Get Dental Advertising Help from Dental Marketer

These are only just a few of the important dos and don’ts of dental ads. Running good ads can help you grow your practice, but dental advertising must be done right to be effective.


That’s where we come in! Dental Marketer offers comprehensive marketing services for dentists, including dental advertisement. We already know the dos and don’ts of dental ads, so you don’t have to worry about them.


Learn more about how we can help you grow your dental practice with dental advertisements today by calling Dental Marketer.

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