How a New Practice Doubles Production 3 Years in a Row

How A New Practice Doubles Production 3 Years In A Row
Dr. Brown started out like many young dentists. He was working in three dental practices, commuting two hours a day between offices. In February of 2019, he was able to purchase his own dental practice. However, he was also stuck with the old owner’s marketing company. After three months, he did not see any results, only growing overhead.

Finally, Dr. Brown knew he had to make a change to grow his dental practice.

In May of 2019, we sat down with Dr. Brown to craft his personalized 4-year strategy. The goal? Go from a $60k dental practice to a 1M practice.

Production Year Over Year

After three years (July 2021), he has a dental practice worth over $300k. Based on the current trends, we’re on target to hit $570K+ in 2021.
Yearly Production Report Chart Showing Dental Practice Growth
Here’s a breakdown of his yearly production:
  • 2018 with previous owners: $60k
  • 2019: $140k
  • 2020: $260k
  • July, 2021: $334k
Keep in mind that COVID struck in 2020. Despite missing a full three months of production due to COVID-19 closures, production still grew immensely that year.
Monthly Production Report Chart Showing Dental Practice Growth

Increasing Dental Practice Metrics

Production is really only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Dr. Brown’s practice growth. Here are some of the other important metrics that show us the healthy growth of his practice:
Pre-Appointment Percentage
The pre-appointment percentage is the percentage of active patients who have an appointment schedule. Keeping this value above 65% reduces attrition and unnecessary calls.
  • From below 45% in 2019 to 64% in 2021
Pre Appointment Percentage Chart
Hygiene Pre-Appointment Percentage
What percentage of active patients have a hygiene appointment scheduled? The hygiene pre-appointment percentage also reduces patient attrition and helps keep active patients. A healthy percentage is above 65%.
  • From a little over 50% in 2019 to 82% in 2021
  • Dr. Brown’s hygiene pre-appointment percentage is in the top 10% of over 10,000 practices that using our systems
Hygiene Pre Appointment Percentage Chart
Future Visits
Future visits describe the number of visits on your schedule for today and beyond. The goal should be to reschedule every patient you see that day, because this helps increase production and collections.
  • From well under an average of 100 in 2019 to 430 in 2021.
Future Visits Chart
Active Patients
Active patients are those who have been to a dental appointment at your practice in the last 18 months.
  • From less than 150 in 2019 to 585 in 2021.
Active Dental Patients Data Chart
New Patients Year Over Year
In 2019, Dr.Brown only had an average of 7 new patients per month. Now in 2021, he has an average of 35+ new patients a month.

Both the increase in active patients and new patients grew predictability month over month. This allowed Dr. Brown’s practice to accurately predict future growth. Furthermore, the total growth of his practice relied on both keeping existing patients active and a steady influx of new patients.
New Patients Data Chart
Properly tracking and understanding his metrics was paramount to Dr. Brown’s growth. We were able to help him target the areas above based on his practice’s performance.

Are you able to track all of your dental practice’s growth metrics? Can you tell when your practice trends up or down, and react accordingly? Can you identify when and how patients slip through the cracks?

If not then book your consultation call with our experienced team at Dental Marketer. We are happy to talk about what’s working for your dental practice and where we can help based on your goals. If we are going to be able to support you we’ll definitely show you how. This is going to be the best 45-min you could have to spend on growing your practice this year.

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