How Often Should Your Dental Practice Post on Social Media?

Connect with Patients on Social Media

Getting your dental practice profiles set up is an excellent first step for social media marketing for dentists. But once you’ve begun establishing your social media profiles, it’s time for the big question: how often should I post on social media?


Consistently sharing quality content is incredibly important for social media marketing for dentists. An active social media presence helps you build relationships with current and former patients while reaping the full benefits of digital marketing.


Ideally, you should post as much as possible while still sharing unique, engaging content, but you must also consider the time and resources you have to invest into posting for your dental practice on social media.


Today, we’ll break down how often to post on social media for your dental practice and share some key tips for your social media strategy.


Facebook is an excellent platform to market your dental practice on. Based on the current Facebook audience, Facebook may be one of your most effective social media channels. Aim for posting 1-2 times per day on Facebook. At the bare minimum, you should post once a week. Even better is 3x per week, but optimally once a day. Give at least 3 hours between posts so you do not overwhelm your audience.

Think of Facebook as your virtual waiting room. You want to create a warm, entertaining environment. Craft a posting schedule, leveraging relevant hashtags. Share relevant industry news or trending topics, as well as behind-the-scenes of your office.


Instagram is a great platform for connecting authentically with your patients. Much like Facebook, it’s good to post 1-2 per day on Instagram. Posting too often will come across as spammy. For quick updates and more often posting, use the Stories feature. Stories are like temporary posts that will disappear after 24 hours. You can also pin those on your page as “Highlights” so that people can revisit the information without cluttering their feed.

Use your Instagram to share photos of your team and community. Include smiling patients with short testimonials, before and after shots, and images from events.


Twitter works quite differently than Facebook and Instagram because posting more often is better. Tweets function more like quick bursts of thought, and they have a much shorter lifecycle. Aim for at least 5 tweets per day. At the bare minimum, post once per day. 3-6 tweets is pretty good, and 15+ is incredible! Stay on top of your tweets, if you don’t post for weeks, your audience will lose interest and drop off.


LinkedIn is known as a business social media platform, and the content on there is quite a bit different from other social media platforms. LinkedIn is more about professional updates and networking. For LinkedIn, you should post at least 2x per week, and up to once per business day.

On LinkedIn, you can share updates about your dental practice, patient testimonials, blog posts, and industry news. More peers than patients will likely follow you on LinkedIn, but it’s an ideal location for professional development.

How often should my dental practice post on social media?

When it comes down to planning out your social media posts, consistency does matter, but the quality is absolutely essential. Ultimately, there’s no magic number for posting on social media. How often to post on social media will depend on several factors, and the answer may be slightly different for each dental practice.

Instead of focusing on the magic posting frequency, focus on consistently creating high-quality content. Develop a content strategy that you can stick with and curate content that’s engaging, interesting, and fits your brand.

Social Media Marketing for Dentists

Posting more is great for building your audience and getting your content in front of more patients, but only if it’s great content. Social media marketing for dentists does take time, but it’s well worth the amazing benefits it offers. When you have a plan, it’s much easier to post beneficial content more often.

The good news is that you don’t have to handle posting on social media all alone. Get 101 Content Ideas free today and get started with your social media marketing strategy. Or, with our 2021 Social Media Calendar, you get a full 365 days of content ideas already planned out for your dental office! 

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