How we generated 392 patients for $55 each, bringing $299k of extra production?

Happy Woman At The Casino
“I’m always stressed over the lack of new patients.”

“I desperately need new patients to keep my practice going.”

“I don’t really have a consistent way of getting new patients.”

“I’ve paid for marketing in the past, but it never produced any real results.”

“I was disappointed with my marketing company.”

Have you ever said these things?

Now imagine this…

You are in a casino playing the slot machine. And for every dollar you put in, you get $2 back. What would you do? Would you play the entire night and come back the next day? And every day over and over?

Now imagine that you put $1 in and you get $14 back, day in and day out for a year.

We’ve created this “slot machine,” aka marketing strategy for one of our dentists. He has been investing $1800 every month, and in the last year, he has consistently gotten over 30 new patients every month.

We created his New Patient monthly chart that you can see below:
New Patient Monthly Chart
Over the last year, we have generated 392 patients for him resulting in an extra $299k. That means he was getting $14 back for every dollar he spent on marketing.
Yearly Production Report Chart Showing Dental Practice Growth
Here are some of the stats for our client’s office:
Total number of new patients in 2019 – 169
Total number of new patients in 2020 – 253
Total number of new patients in 2021 – 392
Monthly Marketing Budget – $1800
Annual Marketing Budget – $21,600
Annual Patient Value
We calculated an extra production by multiplying the annual patient value of $763 by 392 new patients.

Extra production generated $763 *392 = $299,096

That has given us $299k extra production and an outstanding 14:1 Return-on-Investment.

There are some additional benefits from having a consistent stream of new patients, and you could see how this impacted the other areas of our client’s practice.

He has consistently grown the number of active patients for the past three years. See the chart below. He almost doubled the number of active patients compared to the previous year’s same month.
Active Patients Data Chart
It also has a huge impact on the number of future appointments booked.
Number of Future Appointments Booked Data Chart
What would your life look like if you were achieving the same results?

Less stress? Possibly.

How would you run your practice knowing the exact number of future appointments in the next 12 months?

Would you spend more money on marketing? Hire additional staff? Add new associates? Reduce your hours?

The possibilities are endless.


Reach out, and we can find out together if you are a good candidate for our next case study.

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