How one simple decision increased a dentist’s collection by $541k in just one year

Dollar Signs and Growing Arrow
Dr. Ruth has seen it all.

She’s been practicing for over 35 years.

She’s worked with multiple coaches and marketing companies throughout her career.

She’s always been advised to make small, incremental goals each year, and that she should be happy as long as she made more than the previous year.

Her advisors asked her:
“Why do you want to put extra pressure on yourself?”
“Why would you work extra hours?”
“Don’t you have enough money?”

She’s been hearing advice like that for so many years that she created an invisible ceiling on her income.

Have you ever felt like that?

No matter what you do, how hard you work, the number of hours you work, or how much money you spend on marketing, you end up with the same production or worse, every year.

Believe it or not, the solution is pretty simple.

Whether you are a young dentist, just starting your practice, or practicing for over 35 years like Dr. Ruth.

The system we developed works every time, again and again, for any dental practice that we put through it.

When we reviewed Dr. Ruth’s numbers, we told her that we could grow both practices by 25% in the next 12 months.

When she’s heard that, she almost fell out of her chair. She was skeptical at first, but she suddenly believed it was possible after we walked her through each step of our system.

Fast-forward an entire year…

Dr. Ruth increased collections by 27% for the first and 38% for the second practice, and production by 22% and 34%, respectively.

She’s collected $541,559 more for two practices than in the previous year.

Want proof? Look at her numbers below.

Practice A - Collection

  • 2019 - $966,749
  • 2020 - $1,074,705
  • 2021 - $1,361,208
  • Growth in the last 12 months - $286,503 (27%)

Practice A - Production

  • 2019 - $1,033,386
  • 2020 - $1,100,396
  • 2021 - $1,341,086
  • Growth in the last 12 months - $240,902 (22%)

Practice B - Collection

  • 2019 - $759, 710
  • 2020 - $691,414
  • 2021 - $946,470
  • Growth in the last 12 months - $255,056 (38%)

Practice B - Production

  • 2019 - $776,111
  • 2020 - $677,950
  • 2021 - $908,364
  • Growth in the last 12 months - $230,414 (34%)
  • Total collection for both locations - $541,559
  • Total production for both locations - $471,316
You’re probably asking yourself one question: “Would that work for my practice?”

I don’t know yet.

But there’s only one way to find out:

Book a call with my team here.

We’ll put our heads together for about 45 minutes and find out if we can do the same for you.

P.S. Dr. Ruth is probably going to clear another $500k extra this year. And you know what? Her journey started with us when she made the same call I’m inviting you to book. If she hadn’t made that appointment, that one decision would have cost her half a million dollars. There’s no pressure – book a call now, and we’ll see how far we can take your practice.

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