Basic Components Of Dental Website

Basic Components Of Dental Website
Your dental practice website is the hub for all of your digital marketing efforts. It’s also one of the first places new patients will go to learn about your practice and decide if it’s the best dental clinic in the area for them.  A well-crafted dental website stands out amongst the competition and can get your dental practice in front of more qualified leads.  But first, you need a complete, well-designed dental website.  What are the components of a dental website? Read on to find out the key basic components of a dental website that you need today.

Relevant Domain Name

Your dental website will need a domain name. The domain name includes two parts. Think of our website, DentalMarketer is the first part and .ca is the second part.  Ideally, your domain name should have your dental practice name in it. 

Web Hosting

To make your website public, it must be hosted by a web hosting service. The hosting service connects your site to the World Wide Web so that others can search and find it.

User-Friendly Design

Design is another core element of your dental practice website. Its design should be both visually appealing and functional. You want to leverage enough white space to keep your website feeling open and inviting. Additionally, you should organize the pages in a way that’s intuitive to navigate.

SEO Content

Last, but certainly not least, your website needs relevant optimized content. You need content that leverages dental keywords while also sharing key information with your patients. For example, types of content to include are:

  • About Us page
  • Contact page
  • Service pages, one for each of your core services
  • Testimonials/reviews
  • Blog pages about commonly-searched dental topics

Dental Website Design and Marketing

The basic components of a dental website discussed above only scratch the surface of how to create a high-converting dental website . Planning, implementing, and publishing your website takes time and a clear strategy. After that, you’ll need to maintain your dental website as well.  The best way to get a quality dental website that you can leverage to grow your practice is with professional Dental Website Design and Marketing from Dental Marketer. Our dedicated team will help you craft the best website for your dental practice so you can attract and retain more patients.  Learn more about our dental web design and marketing services today. Schedule your free breakthrough call with our dental marketing specialists!

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