What to Post on Social Media in January for Dental Offices

Social Media For Dentists - January Ideas
January marks the time for New Year’s resolutions, wrapping up the previous year, and in this case, a much-needed fresh start. While the change of a new year has not instantly solved the state of the world, most dental offices are back to operating at their new normal.

January is also a critical time to set the stage for your social media marketing efforts and reconnect with patients. Now is the best time to get your content on track for the upcoming year so that you can save time and stress along the way. First up, it’s time to decide what to post in January.

Here are some ideas for what to post on social media in January for dental offices this January.


January marks the turn of the new year, which is the most obvious holiday to embrace with social media. It’s a great time to remind patients that a new year means new oral hygiene habits and steps toward the smile of their dreams.

However, there are several other holidays you can share on social media, such as:
  • Jan 14 - National Dress Up Your Pet Day. Share funny photos and videos of your team’s dressed up pets and ask your patients to submit some as well!
  • Jan 18 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Share some important facts about the civil rights activist.
  • Jan 21 - Get to Know Your Customer (patient) Day. Feature some stellar patients or ask your patients some fun questions via social media to get to know them and spark engagement.
  • Jan 20-24 - Sugar Awareness Week. This is the perfect time to share interesting, shocking, and entertaining content about sugar and dental health. Create a listicle of common snacks with high sugar content and some alternative options or tips for how to combat the impact of sugar on teeth.
  • Jan 20 - National Compliment Day. With patient permission, share some compliments about their smile or personality on social media!
  • Jan 15 - Opposite Day. There are many ways to have fun with this one as a dentist.

Dental Resolutions

Another great way to promote the new year on social media is to share some oral hygiene resolutions. For one, you can share some goals your dental practice has for the upcoming year. Additionally, you can help patients create their own set of resolutions. For example, you could share a post about the importance of getting a dental cleaning and exam every 6 months and then encourage your patients to schedule theirs as part of their dental resolutions.


Even if you made some health and safety changes a few months ago, a reminder doesn’t hurt! Use January as a time to share your new policies, procedures, and any other upcoming changes. Explain what the change is, how it affects patients, and why it’s being done.

Treatment Education

Everyone knows how a cavity filling works and why it’s done, right? Well, your dental office team might, but not every patient will! Use your social media for education by sharing information about different common dental services. You can get creative and make graphics, short videos, and engaging stories to share about dental services. Explain what the treatment is, when/why it’s done, and how to know if you need it.

Social Media Marketing for Dentists in January

Getting off on the right foot for social media marketing in January sets you up for a great rest of the year. Use this month to build your social media strategy and reconnect with patients.

Heading into a new year can be pretty stressful for dental offices. You have to keep your practice safe and limit the spread of COVID, remarket to patients who need treatment, implement new changes, and more. Social media is just another task on your already-full plate, but it’s not one you want to neglect. That’s what we’re here for. Dental Marketer makes your social media marketing breeze with our 2021 Social Media Content Calendar for Dentists. You can plan out all of your posts FOR THE WHOLE YEAR!! If you want a few extra ideas, we have 101 Social Media Post Ideas for dentists and you can get all of the images you need from our Social Media Images for dentists. These helpful resources will save you hours of work and ensure you have a top-notch social media strategy for 2021!

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