How to Run a Successful Dental Practice in 2021

Run A Successful Dental Practice
While the dental industry isn’t going anywhere soon, it’s more competitive now than it’s ever been. If there’s anything we learned from 2020, it’s how fast and drastically things can change from factors out of our control. While there’s no way we can account for everything the world may throw at a dental practice, dentists can set themselves up for as much success as possible with a few key factors.

Running a successful dental practice in 2021 requires providing a quality patient experience, streamlining your operations, and preparing for anything. Here are a few ways to run a successful dental practice this year.

Offer User-Friendly Scheduling Solutions

Thanks to technology and the major changes we experienced in 2020, many patients have become accustomed to ordering and scheduling most of their lives online. Heading into this year, it’s crucial that you make scheduling frictionless for patients. Allow patients to schedule their own appointments online, but also make sure other options are available for those who may not be as tech-savvy. Generally, it’s a good idea to allow appointments via an online form, email, or calling. If you would like to find out more about online scheduling, watch our recent webinar ‘How Online Scheduling Instantly Increases the Number of New Patients And Changes Their Dental Office Experience Forever’ by clicking here

Flexible Financing Options

Dental care can be expensive, and not everyone has dental insurance. Many patients may still be experiencing financial troubles due to the pandemic, but they still need dental care. Offer flexible dental financing options so that patients can make monthly payments. Allowing flexible financing will help you remove the financial barrier to treatment that many people face.

Analyze Your Working Hours

Many dental practices are open roughly 9-5, like a typical job…but wait a minute. The majority of patients are also working or in school during those hours. It can be challenging for people to take off work or pick kids up early from school to get to the dentist. Consider adjusting your working hours to be more effective. You don’t necessarily have to work more hours; you just may want to adjust your hours to offer some early morning and/or later evening options. If possible, you could also consider closing on a weekday in favour of a weekend day when more patients will be available.

Automate Billing

With simple software like Dental Intel, you can automate and streamline the billing process. You’ll be able to cut down the time patients have to spend at your dental office and ensure more bills are paid on time.

Office Culture

To provide a great patient experience, you must first provide a great employee experience. Discover your office culture and engage your team members. Rope in all employees to discuss daily operations and long term goals, and allow everyone to contribute. Recognize employees for their efforts via birthday shoutouts and a “meet the team” page.

Staff Training

Ensure all staff receives the training and education they need to best serve patients. Most often, the patient’s experience starts at the front desk. Professional training and continued education are crucial for a successful practice. Ensure that anyone who works with patients can make the most out of the interaction and also has the knowledge to answer patients’ questions.

Expand Services

As a dental practice, you must meet the needs of your patients. While you do not want to overextend your team, you should think of valuable ways you could expand your services. You should ensure that you offer services that will make you competitive but consider your limitations as well. If you plan to add services, you may need to reconsider your space or add some people to your team.

Engage Your Patients

While it’s great to attract new patients, constantly having to find new people will not maximize your growth. It’s essential that your dental practice focuses on developing loyal patients who visit your practice regularly and provide referrals to friends and family. Retaining existing patients is less expensive, but it means that you must engage them emotionally and nurture the relationship.

Fortunately, it’s a lot easier to engage patients today via email marketing and social media. You can leverage many tools to connect with patients and stay on top of their minds.

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing can seem overwhelming, but it’s something your dental practice ought to be doing. In 2020, dental practices with strong digital marketing strategies were able to retain patients and bounce back quicker when practices were able to open again. Every modern dental practice needs a well-designed and SEO-rich website as well as a strong social media presence. 

While dental marketing is necessary, it’s not always easy for dental offices to do it on their own. After all, you have patients, scheduling, employees, and more to deal with. That’s where we can help. Dental Marketer is a team of highly experienced dental marketing consultants that can help you create and execute an effective digital marketing strategy. To learn more about how our dental marketing experts will help you run a successful dental practice in 2021, contact us today!

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