How To Drive More Localized Traffic To Your Dental Website and Deliver More Value To Your Patients

How To Drive More Localized Traffic To Your Dental Website
Digital marketing is an effective, affordable strategy for growing your dental practice. It’s one of the best ways to attract more patients to your practice and find all of those people “looking for a good dentist in my area.”

As a dentist, you want to help patients and you’re good at what you do. But chances are, you aren’t a dental marketing expert. Getting patients to your dental website can be a big challenge when you aren’t a marketer.

Fortunately, we have a few tips to help you get started!

Make Your Website For Your Patient

Keep your patients at the forefront of your mind when creating and updating your website. Your dental website is for your patients, not for you, your team, or other dentists. If patients cannot quickly and easily find the information they need or navigate your site from a mobile device, they will become frustrated.

Your website should make life easier for patients, and meet their needs. The better it does this, the more value you can deliver to them.

Dental Website Qualities Current Patients Love

  • Online scheduling. If this isn’t possible, provide simple online scheduling form.
  • Payments. When possible, accept online payments. If not, provide clear instructions for payments. Layout payment information, like which insurance plans you accept.
  • Pre-appointment paperwork. Have the forms available as downloadable PDFs so patients can complete them before their appointment if desired.
  • Easy contact information. The phone number should be large and in-charge, so patients can see it even on mobile devices.

What Prospective Patients Look For

  • Intuitive navigation.
  • Special offers for new patients.
  • Cost/finance information, including which insurance plans you accept and payment plan information.
  • Specialized services
  • Location and business hours.

Service Pages

When people decide what to look for in a dentist, specific services are high on the list. Many patients are looking to see if you offer the services they need. Make it easy for them to find this information with simple service pages. Outline the services you provide as well as the risks and benefits.

Dental Blog

Maintaining a high-quality dental blog is a great way to get a competitive edge. A dental blog helps you target keywords and boost your SEO, but it’s also incredibly valuable for your patients. Blogs are most likely to be shared and go hand in hand with social media marketing as well. Regularly post helpful tips, checklists, how-tos, and informational posts related to dentistry. Again, remember to think about what your patients would find helpful.


Going to the dentist can be scary, especially to a new dentist. Testimonials are an excellent way to give patients peace of mind. For dentistry, showing is very powerful. Include before and after photos for different dental services as well as reviews. Hearing from other patients is extremely comforting for patients. Showcasing reviews and testimonials on your website will set you apart as the best dental practice.

Social Media Marketing

Social media is another great way to drive traffic to your dental website. You don’t have to be a dental marketing expert to use it either. By sharing links to your blog posts and website via social media, you can attract and engage patients. “Looking for a dentist in my area” isn’t something patients only do on search engines, many are turning to social media as well. If you don’t already, now is the time to get active on social media.

  Dental Marketer is here to help you simplify dental marketing, including social media marketing. With the 2021 Social Media Content Calendar, you can use our template to guide your posts. Need more ideas or images for your posts? Check out our 101 Social Media Post Ideas and Social Media Images too!

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