How to hire the best dental employees?

How To Hire The Best Dental Employees?
As marketing specialists, we have developed the formula on how to attract long term patients and how to retain existing patients in a dental practice. We have been achieving excellent results thanks to the support of some fantastic dental teams!

However, over the years, we found that many dentists struggle with finding new team members that would fit into the dental practice dynamics and provide a high level of dental care.

And we have realized that someone can be a fantastic dentist, but without a fantastic team behind, he or she will not succeed in the dental field.

This is why we have decided to help you out and share with you some tips on how to find a new hire who will be RIGHT for your practice and team.

Be specific on who you are looking for

Often job postings for dental positions are fairly general to ensure a large number of applicants. There can’t be anything worse than that! Invest your time in finding quality over quantity.

When creating a job posting, make sure that you are very specific about the qualities you are looking for in the new hire. You should list the skills that your practice will benefit from, the type of experience you would like the applicant to have and all your other expectations. The more information you can give to the potential applicant this early in the hiring process, the more likely you are to find the right person in the least amount of time. You don’t want to waste time on applicants that will not be a good fit.

Let the candidates get to know you

At this point, people reviewing your job post know what you expect from them, so now it’s time to tell them what they can expect from you. The best candidates are going to be picky with their choices. So make sure that you tell them about your dental practice and your team. Make an argument about why they should choose your team over any other. Make your offer is attractive and stand out in the crowd.

Take time to review the resumes

It is easy to make yourself look perfect on paper. First-class education, years of experience in the dental field and skills such as great team player – HIRED! But hold on! Take the time to read the application carefully. Make sure that the skills and experiences listed match your requirements. That the candidate is not an expert if job switching – you want someone who will stay in your practice for years to come. And make sure that the structure of the resume itself is concise and mistake-free.

Don't just go straight to the interview

Once you have your favourite candidates, take a few minutes to learn more about them. Each resume is likely to be supported by references – reach for the phone and call them; the information you will gain can weigh in on your decision on whether to invite the applicant for an interview or not. You can also call the applicant directly – ask a few questions that you have planned for the interview – you would be surprised how much you can learn from that short conversation. But most importantly – don’t decide on who to invite for a formal interview on your own. Have one more person from your team to review the application and get their opinion on who they think would fit nicely into your team dynamics. Make your top pick and schedule the interview.

Make a plan for the face-to-face interview.

Depending on the position you are looking to fill, you should have a specific plan for the interview. Prepare questions that you would like to ask the candidate and take notes, to later read thoroughly and possibly compare with the other candidates. Remember, closed-ended questions will not make your decision easier. The more open-ended questions you ask, the more you will learn about the candidate. Give the candidates a tour of the practice and introduce them to members of your team. Let them feel welcome, as at the end of the day it is not only your decision whether this person joins your team – the candidate has to choose you too! Use the tour as an opportunity to test their knowledge and skills. Let the candidates know when are you planning to make the job offer, and let each of them know who has been chosen for the position.

It is so true.

As a team, you are as strong as your weakest link!

So, don’t rush your decisions; take your time and make sure that the RIGHT person joins your team!

If the recruiting process is something that you don’t have time for or you don’t feel comfortable with, you can Contact us for HELP!

Dental Marketer is now offering complete Recruitment Services. From Candidate Profile creation to delivery of perfect candidate for a formal interview – we have you covered.

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