How to Set Up Google Analytics on Your Dental Website

How to Set Up Google Analytics on Your Dental Website

Google Analytics is a critical tool for your dental website. It can help you find out about key dental website analytics, including website traffic, page usage, and more.


If you’re looking to improve your website and attract more patients to your practice, then setting up Google Analytics for dental practices is vital.


Keep reading to learn how to set up google analytics for a dentist.

Create Your Account

The first step is to create your Google Analytics account. Head to the Google Analytics homepage. Then click on “Create an account”. Next, select “Sign up.”


From there, you must complete the signup process. Fill out a form with your basic information. Then, you can choose your preferred data sharing options. Lastly, accept Google’s privacy policy.

Tracking ID

The tracking ID informs Analytics of what type of website it will track. For example, it can track:

  • Single domain (
  • Subdomains ( and
  • Multiple top-level domains ( and


The default option is a single domain, and this is ideal for most dental offices.


After ensuring you select the right domain option, then you should copy your tracking code. You must add the tracking code to the backend of your website.

Start Tracking

After you add the tracking code, Google Analytics will be ready to go. Once you set up Google Analytics for dentists, you’ll be able to better assess and improve your website.

Dental SEO Services Ontario

Knowing how to set up Google Analytics for a dentist is only part of the challenge. Those with some technical expertise may find the process pretty simple. However, to get any value from it, you must also know how to interpret the results and make actionable changes to your dental website.


The truth is that Dental SEO requires specific digital marketing expertise to handle. As a dental practice owner, your job is to help your patients and team. That’s where our dental marketing experts come in.


Our team at Dental Marketer is here to help you with all of your dental SEO services in Toronto. we ‘ll handle the steps to setup Google Analytics for dentists and take care of all of your SEO needs.


Find out more about how we can help your dental practice reach its full potential. Schedule your free breakthrough call today!

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