Key Components of the Best Dental Websites

Key Components Of The Best Dental Websites
As a 21st century dental practice, you need a strong digital presence. Patients turn to the internet to find the services they need, and if your practice is not easily visible you will lose out on a ton of your local market.

Dental websites are the cornerstone of all dental practice marketing. But having any old website is not enough, you need one of the best dentist websites online. That’s right since your competitors have dental websites too, yours has to be one of the best dental websites to attract and engage patients.

The best dentist websites have key qualities in common that separate them from the rest. To master dentistry on the web, you also need to incorporate these components into your dental websites:

Intuitive Navigation

Simple is essential for the best dental websites. The top sites are easy for patients to navigate. They are clutter-free and well-designed, with different headings clearly label. Typically a drop-down menu will help organize your site in a hierarchical and intuitive way so that patients can find exactly what they are looking for.

The Right Content

Design and layout are important for dentistry on the web, but they are only part of the equation. Your site must contain useful content that helps patients. The content you should include on your dental website is:
  • A dedicated service page for each service that includes some relevant photos.
  • A top-notch blog with informative, relevant content.
  • Contact information on its own page and viewable on every page.
  • Information about your practice including its location and the qualities that differentiate you.
  • Introductions to team members.
  • Testimonials and reviews.


Another quality that separates the best dental websites is optimization. These sites are optimized for mobile and search engines. Mobile-friendly sites can be accessed from any device, making the process even easier for patients to learn about your practice and book appointments. Dental websites optimized for search engines follow SEO best-practices so that they show up higher for relevant results, giving your practice more visibility.

Dental Companies That Help Increase Business

While you may already have a good dental website, chances are it is not one of the best dental websites around. If your competitors have a better website with more of these key components, they are taking your patients. 

To capitalize on dental practice marketing, you need to have the best dentist website. The main reason most dental practices fail with dentist practice marketing is that they do not have the time or expertise to dedicate to it. That makes sense, you are a dentist and not an all-knowing superhuman after all.

That’s where Dental Marketer can help. We are one of the top dental companies that help increase business through our expert dental practice marketing services, including dental website design and management. Let us handle your dental website design while you focus on your dentistry. To learn more about how we will help you get the best dentist website, schedule your free breakthrough call HERE.

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