Website Strategy for Multi-Location Dental Practices

Website Strategy for Multi-Location Dental Practices

A dental website is a critical component of any dental clinic’s overall marketing strategy. Not only does it help establish credibility and showcase services, but it also serves as a platform for patients to schedule appointments, fill out forms, and learn about the practice.

But what if you have more than one dental clinic location?

Creating an effective website strategy for a multi-location dental practice is challenging. Here’s what to know about multi-location website design for dental clinics.

One Website or Different Websites for Each Location?

Years ago, it was often better to have a unique website for each dental clinic location. With this method, it was easier to optimize each website for the location. However, that’s not always the best practice anymore, especially when you consider the patient-experience. Instead, it often makes more sense to focus on one website for your dental brand and encompass all of the locations there.

Consistent Branding Across All Locations

Maintaining consistent branding across all locations is essential for building brand recognition and trust with patients. You want patients to recognize your dental brand in each location, including online. Ensure that all location pages are consistent in terms of design and layout.

Location-Specific Information

While consistency is crucial, it’s also important to include location-specific information on your dental website. This includes the address, phone number, hours of operation, and any unique services or providers at each location. Make this information easy to find on your website. Clearly differentiate each location and its unique offerings.

Multi-location Business Website Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of optimizing a website to rank higher in search results. For multi-location dental practices, you must optimize each location page for local search terms such as “dentist in [city name].” Optimize page titles, meta descriptions, and content for each location.


Patient Reviews and Testimonials

Including patient reviews and testimonials on each location page builds trust with potential patients. Feature reviews from popular review sites such as Google, Yelp, or Facebook. You can also collect testimonials directly from patients.

Count on Us for All of Your Dental Web Design Needs!

Creating an effective website strategy for a multi-location dental practice requires a delicate balance. You must factor in consistency and location-specific information, SEO optimization, and patient reviews and testimonials.


At Dental Marketer, we specialize in dental website design and marketing for multi-location practices. Our team of experts can help create a customized website strategy that meets the unique needs of your practice. Schedule your free consultation today to learn more!

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