What To Post On Social Media In April For Dental Offices

Social Media For Dentists - April Ideas
During April, spring is in full swing (for the most part) and patients may need a little reminder to get in for their oral healthcare needs.

It’s starting to hit that middle section of the year when dental care is not at the forefront of their minds.

Fortunately, social media marketing is an effective way to re-engage patients and help build lasting relationships.

But what should dentists post on social media in April?

Read on to find out.

Key Dental Services

This is a great month to draw attention to your top dental services. Many patients already got their first dental cleaning and exam, but some still need to. Certainly, talk about dental cleanings and exams, reminding patients to get theirs if they haven’t.

However, April is a great time to promote other dental treatments as well. Visiting the dentist, or at least booking future appointments, in April ensures that most treatments can be completed before the end of the year.

This month, try posting about some of your other dental treatment options that may be more extensive and take more time like:
  • Dental implants
  • Dentures
  • Bridge/crowns
  • Invisalign and braces

Behind the Scenes

Connect with your prospective and current patients by showing some behind-the-scenes of your dental office.

For example, you can share fun team photos of your dentists and receptionists at work. You should also highlight different team members by sharing their bio and photo of choice.

Let patients know what a day at your office looks like and who the people are behind their care. This helps to foster a deeper personal connection and re-engage patients who may not have come in for a while.


April Fools!

Most people know April for this silly holiday along with Easter.

Posting about holidays (big and small) is a simple, fun way to stay connected with patients on social media. It can also help your page get more exposure.

Here are some of the holidays to post about this month:
  • April 1: April Fools! Play a little prank on your patients using social media. Get creative and have fun with it. (Just make sure to let them in on the secret soon).
  • April 4: National Vitamin C Day Talk about how important Vitamin C is for overall health, including dental health. Give a few ideas for how to get in enough Vitamin C!
  • April 9: Easter Wish your patients who celebrate a Happy Easter.
  • April 11: National Pet Day. Share your team’s favourite pet photos, and encourage your patients to send in theirs! Re-post your patients’ pets on your social media stories.
  • April 15 or 30: National Tax Day (the US is on the 15, Canada on the 30th). Send your patients a quick reminder to get their taxes filed!
  • April 16: National Wear Your Pyjamas to Work Day. Get the team on board and post those funny pics and videos! Tell your patients to come in their pyjamas that day if they want as well.

Here to Help with April Social Media Marketing!

Social media is a powerful tool for attracting and engaging your patients. However, it does take time to execute properly. Time is something you don’t have a lot of while trying to run your dental practice. That’s why Dental Marketer is here to help with all of your dental marketing needs, including social media marketing.

We offer several helpful resources for dental social media marketing including our full yearly Social Media Content Calendar. Want images as well? Then download our free Social Media Images. Furthermore, you can find even more post ideas with our 101 Social Media Post Ideas.

To save even more time, turn to our social media marketing experts. We’ll handle every aspect of your social media strategy so that you can spend your time at what you’re best at, which is running your dental practice. Learn more about Dental Marketer and how we can help today. Schedule your free breakthrough call today!

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