What Do I Write For My Dental Blog?

What Do I Write For My Dental Blog?
Every dental marketing expert on the block talks about how important it is to have a high-quality dental blog.

Dentists can leverage a blog to boost their SEO, increase thought-leadership, and ultimately reel in more patients.

But writing a dental blog, especially a good one, is not as easy as it may seem.

While many dentists and dental practice owners understand the importance of a dental blog, they get stumped on what you should blog about on your dental website.

We’re here to actually help you write a dental blog that will improve your website and attract patients.

Let’s dive into how to write a dental blog.

Different Blog Categories

A lot of dentists want to know what to write for my dental blog.” Well, there’s not just one prevailing answer. Should you write blogs that answer commonly asked questions? Of course! But you should also write blogs about your patients, dental treatments, dental hygiene, tips, and more.

Variety is the key to how to write a dental blog. You want to ensure a breadth of dental topics that keep your blog dynamic and interesting. A few different topics your blog posts should cover include:
  • Case Studies/Patient experiences
  • News and events about your dental practice
  • Dental philosophy
  • Dental hygiene tips
  • Addressing common dental questions or myths
  • Educational blogs about various dental treatments

Time- Relevant Posts

Do you have a dental special going on for a certain holiday? Someone on your team celebrating in a fun way? Use current events, like holidays, to come up with time-relevant blog posts. Here are a few examples:
  • How Halloween Candy Threatens Dental Health
  • 10 Dental Hygiene tips You Need for Dental Health Month
  • We’re Celebrating Children’s Dental Health Month with Free Dental Cleanings for Kids!

Media-Rich Posts

They don’t say “a picture is worth a thousand words” for nothing! Photos and videos go a long way to boost engagement and captivate your audience. They are incredibly valuable for dental blog posts because they show results. Post media-rich blogs with photos and videos from your dental practice.

SEO-Friendly Posts

Blog posts are a powerful way to increase your dental website’s SEO. Use keywords that you want to rank for as topic ideas for blog posts. Make sure your blog posts are SEO-friendly by incorporating keywords, adding meta tags, including alt tags for images, and keeping paragraphs short.

Get Help From a Digital Marketing Expert

Even with the ideas above, planning, writing, and posting your dental blogs takes a lot of time. Save time and get compelling dental blogs with the help of a digital marketing expert. Dental Marketer is here to help you know exactly what you should blog about on your dental website. We’ll take care of the keyword research, writing, optimizing, and posting as part of our dental marketing services.

Learn more about how we can help you grow your dental practice with a dental blog! Schedule your free breakthrough call today by contacting us.

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