38% increase in production after only 3 months of dental coaching

Smiling Dentist With Folded Hands in Dental Office
Meet Dr. Cindy.

She worked with “dental coaches” for many years but wasn’t seeing any growth in her dental practice. All of the supposed dental experts she hired had very little impact on her production increase, and some even decreased her production because of their toxic attitudes.

The result?

Dr. Cindy watched her practice shrink without any help from these coaches.

She was on the mission to find someone that will finally identify the issues in their practice and give her a simple solution to fix them.
Graph of Production Year Over Year
Finally, she found the answer she needed: Dental Marketer. Our coaches brought their decades of dental industry experience to the table to help her save her practice.

Initial Assessment

We started by assessing Dr. Cindy’s practice. We were able to quickly identify the core issues and implement the most effective strategies to help her.

In reality, the biggest issue was not inactive patients. It wasn’t even outdated strategies. Instead, the underlying problem was a lack of trust amongst her dental team. After so many unsuccessful efforts and disappointment from other coaches, her entire team was skeptical.

Honestly, we didn’t blame them for that.

But we had a difficult challenge ahead of us.

It took us 2 months to finally gain the trust from the key employees and the entire team. Once we earned their trust, what we could achieve together was incredible. The third month blew our minds.

The Results

After gaining the team’s trust, we were able to get them on board for key strategies. This was the secret sauce, and it showed.

The team was able to increase the production by 38%.
Graph Showing 38% Increase In Production Compared To The Same Month of 2021
Take a look at this!

38% increase in Production compared to the same month of 2021.
  • May 2021 May Production - $111,033
  • May 2022 May Production - $154,231
Graph Showing 40% Increase In Production Compared To The Same Month of 2021
40% increase in Production compared to the same month of 2021.
  • May 2021 May Collections - $105,931
  • May 2022 May Collections - $147,887
We also hit the biggest week ever with Gross Production reaching $48,225.
Gross Production Reaching $48,225
Just imagine how Dr. Cindy can transform her practice if her team keeps growing production at such an amazing pace! Achieving these results consistently would convert to a production of $2.5M!

Biggest week gross production
  • $48,225 x 52 weeks = $2.5M practice
Compare this to last year’s production, which was $1.3 M. Bringing production up to $2.5M would be more than an 83% increase.

And this isn’t a pipe dream. It’s a very obtainable reality based on what Dr. Cindy’s practice was able to do with our help.

It’s Time for Dental Coaching That Works

After dealing with “coaches” who didn’t truly care about her practice, Dr. Cindy is finally seeing the full potential of her dental office. It took us nearly two months to earn the trust of her team, but even with their skepticism, we helped them boost production by 38% in less than 90 days. Are you ready to maximize your dental practice? How would your life change with a consistent increase in production? Now is the time to find out with the help of a dental coach that actually works. A dental expert that cares about your practice and your team. Find out how Dental Marketer can help you transform your dental practice with a proven, customized approach. Schedule your free breakthrough consultation.

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