6 Principles of Effective Dental Email Marketing

6 Principles of Effective Dental Email Marketing

Email marketing is part of a strong digital marketing strategy that dental offices can use to attract and retain patients.


Sending emails to your patients and prospects can help you strengthen your relationship and stay top-of-mind for their dental needs.


There are several email marketing tips and tricks that can help you make the most of your email marketing campaigns.


Keep reading for the top tips for successful email marketing campaigns.

Keep it Short

Attention spans are short, and a long, text-heavy email is one great way to lose attention quickly. To give your email the best chance of actually getting read, keep it short and scannable.


Use short sentences and keep the paragraphs very small. Take advantage of headers, bulleted lists, and formatting so your email is scannable and visually appealing.

Customize Your Subject Lines and Previews

A top tip for email marketing is to leverage strong subject lines. However, you also want to ensure the preview text is different from the subject line. This helps share as much information as possible before the person even opens the email. A strong subject line AND preview is the best recipe for email opens.


When done right, email campaigns can help you strengthen your patient relationships. Patients want to feel like people, not numbers. That’s why it’s so important to personalize your emails using the recipient’s name and relevant information.


Leverage patient segmenting to send the most relevant email content. For example, a patient who just came in last month should not receive an email all about the importance of dental exams and checkups with a CTA to schedule.

Optimize for Mobile

An important email campaign tip is mobile optimization. How does your email look on mobile? Keep in mind that many patients will view the email on their mobile device. Therefore, you should ensure that your emails are mobile-friendly.

Email Marketing for Dentists

All of the email marketing tips and tricks above can help you make the most of your email campaigns. However, you still need to plan and create all the emails. When it comes down to it, email marketing campaign tips are not a replacement for a proper strategy.

That’s where we can help!

Dental Marketer provides comprehensive dental marketing services including email marketing for dentists. Let’s chat about how we can help you grow your practice through dental email marketing and more. Schedule your free consultation today!

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