Dental PPC Strategies: How To Improve Your Google Ads For Dentists

Dental PPC Strategies: How To Improve Your Google Ads For Dentists

While dental SEO and other dental marketing strategies are essential for long-term dental practice growth, these organic methods are only one part of the equation.


A sound PPC strategy (pay-per-click) will help you quickly generate new leads and attract more patients.


PPC campaign strategies only require you to pay when your ad is clicked. This way, you can still control a budget for a paid search advertising strategy.


Keep in mind that a Google advertising campaign shows up above organic search results. Therefore, a quality PPC marketing strategy will help you market your dental practice and achieve a quick boost in growth.


That being said, not every pay-per-click strategy is created equal. Here are some helpful tips for improving dental Google ads for PPC.

Unique Value Proposition

Let’s face it; there are dozens (maybe hundreds) of dentists in your area offering the same basic services. The best way to attract patients to your practice is to talk about what makes you unique. Share details on the value you provide your patients, highlighting what makes your dental office the best choice.


Some examples of unique value propositions include:

  • Testimonials / Reviews
  • Weekend and evening appointment availability
  • Flexible payment options, including for those without insurance
  • Same-day or walk-in appointments
  • Speaking other languages
  • Strong new patient offers

Ad Account Organization

The best Google advertising campaigns are highly organized. Keeping a clean, tidy dashboard helps you better assess your ad effectiveness. It will ultimately help you keep down your cost-per-click and track results.

Keyword Targeting

To make the most of your advanced PPC strategies, you need to target the right keywords. Focus on location-based keywords, as this will help you show up to the most relevant audience. You can also focus on local niche keywords. While these do not have the same volume as some other words, they can help you keep down the cost of ads and earn a higher ROI.

Short & Effective

PPC ads have short character limits. You’ll need to be able to say a lot with few words. Honing your dental copywriting skills (or working with a professional) will help you craft high-converting dental PPC ads.


Another helpful tip is to add extension options to share more information without taking up words. You’ll be able to use these Ad extensions to share:

  • Links to pages
  • Your contact information and address
  • Google Reviews rating
  • Callouts to special offers

PPC for Dentists

The right paid search advertising strategies can have a huge impact on your dental practice. To see the results you want, you’ll need to leverage an effective PPC campaign strategy.


That’s where our experienced team of dental marketing experts can help.
We offer comprehensive dental marketing strategies, including ppc for dentist. Our dental marketing consults will help you craft and execute effective PPC marketing strategies for your dental practice.


Learn more now by scheduling your free breakthrough call.

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