Do Internal Links and Backlinks Help or Hurt Your Dental SEO?

Do Internal Links and Backlinks Help or Hurt Your Dental SEO?

Search engine optimization is a vital dental marketing strategy that helps you attract patients and grow your dental practice. It’s a critical technique for beating out local competition and positioning your dental practice at the top of the relevant searches.


One important aspect of dental SEO is linking.


What are internal links? What about backlinks? How do they impact dental SEO?


Keep reading to find out.

Internal Links

Internal links are ones that link one page of your website with another. There are several types of internal links, including menu links and page links.


Your homepage may have links to your service pages, which would be an example. However, you may also include a link to a relevant service page within a blog on that topic or a link to blog A in blog B.


The good news is that you have complete control over managing the links within your website.


Backlinks are when an external website includes a link to your website. Backlinks work like online endorsements, telling search engines that your web site is relevant for a certain topic.


You may naturally acquire backlinks from sites that simply view your site as an authority and choose to link to it. These are extremely rare and hard to get.


You can also leverage manual outreach link building to make an agreement with others to link to your website.

How Can Internal Links Help Dental SEO?

Internal links can boost your SEO in a few ways. They help search engines understand how your web pages interact, and which have greater authority for a given topic. Linking between web pages demonstrates their relationship.


By adding internal links correctly, you can create content pillars that improve page rankings. Ultimately, a sound internal linking strategy strengthens your site while also improving the user experience.

How Backlinks Help Dental SEO

Backlinks help search engines discover your website. Relevant backlinks are a key ranking factor that gives your site authority. Backlinks from credible sources are seen as an upvote for your website, which directly impacts your search ranking.


Referral traffic also drives visitors to your website, helping you get in front of more potential patients!

Dental SEO Services

Backlinks and internal links are important and helpful, but only when done right. Low-quality backlinks and incorrect/excessive internal links can actually hurt your SEO. The truth is that you need the experience to leverage them correctly.

That’s where we come in. Dental Marketer offers complete dental SEO services to help you get your dental site in front of your target audience. We will help with all aspects of dental SEO, including internal links and backlinks, so you can focus on what you do best.

Contact us now to get started!

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