Dental Practice Start-up: Top 6 Tips for Success

Group of People Celebrating Dental Practice Start-Up Success

Opening a dental practice is a big step in your career. Properly opening a dental office is the key to a smooth start and long-term success. 


Have you been wondering how to start a dental clinic business?


Keep reading to learn a few important tips for starting and running a dental practice.

Research First

Start with thorough research. Find out more about the unknowns, like what it takes to open and run a dental practice. What challenges do dental practice owners face? What are their complete responsibilities?

Find Trusted Advisors

Align yourself with dental industry advisors who can help guide you through the process. A few examples include:


  • Dental contractors with experience building dental practices. 
  • An industry-specific Certified Public Accountant. 
  • Dental equipment specialist to help you position your practice for success. 
  • Dental industry lender

Finance Your Dental Practice

Evaluate the best loan option for your business. Many major lenders can fund dental practice startups. While the interest rate is an important factor, also consider the following:


  • Loan term
  • Prepayment 
  • Lender service levels

Create your Business Plan and Learn More About Business

Much like you need a treatment plan for each patient, you need a business plan for your office. You should also familiarize yourself with the business side of a dental clinic, as this isn’t something taught in dental school! 

Budget and Debt Load

Modern dental technology is important, but you don’t want to drown yourself in debt. Start with what you can support financially, as your dental office grows, then you can add additional equipment and build out other rooms. 


That’s why you must stay on budget. Starting a new dental practice typically costs around $475,000. Stick to your budget, but apply for a slightly higher amount than you think you need. This way, you’ll have some wiggle room for unexpected expenses.

Marketing Your Dental Practice

Starting a new dental practice includes getting patients. Learning how to start a dental practice is only the beginning; you must also know how to market your practice. But you’re busy getting the office up and running. 

That’s where we can help. Dental Marketer offers complete dental marketing services to promote your practice and make it known. We’ll create a personalized plan for your dental clinic, helping you attract and retain patients. Ultimately, our marketing services for dentists in Ontario will help you grow your dental practice and reach your full potential. 

Find out more about how we can help by scheduling your free breakthrough call!

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