The Importance of Landing Pages In Dental Marketing

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The purpose of a landing page is to convert visitors.


The goal of the conversion can vary based on the landing page. It may be a Google review, online form submission, referral, or something else.


Clicking a Google Ad, social media Ad, email link, or social media post may bring the visitor to the landing page.


Landing pages are a common concept for marketing, but what about a dentist landing page?

Why Landing Pages for Dentists Matter

Is there really a place for dental landing pages? Why not just direct visitors to your website?  


When someone arrives at your website homepage, there are many options. They could head to your blogs, look through your FAQs, or read about your dentists. But they may not do a specific conversion action. 


Imagine running an Ad campaign for “dentist in [your city].” Somebody searching for a dental clinic in that city comes across the ad. You want to make it easy and obvious for them to schedule their appointment, and directing them to your homepage won’t do that. 

To maximize conversions, you need a dedicated landing page for dentists. One that is suited to the ad or post it’s linked to. Common conversion goals are: 


  • Calling the dental clinic
  • Write an online review
  • Send a referral
  • Book an appointment

What to Include on Your Landing Page

When it comes to making a  dentist landing page, it should be well-designed and efficient. Should a landing page have navigation? Here’s what to include in your landing page:


  • A short, but compelling headline related to the ad.
  • Persuasive subheading that highlights the value of your offer. 
  • Visually appealing images. 
  • Your dental office logo. 
  • A submission form that’s easy to fill out. 
  • Benefits/ key selling points.
  • Social proof, like other patient testimonials or reviews. 

Get Help with Your Dental Clinic Landing Pages

A well-designed dental clinic landing page can help increase the efficacy of your dental ads. However, the page must be designed for the goals of the ad, which means you may need multiple landing pages.


Creating them takes time and marketing expertise, which is not something most dentists have. But that’s okay because Dental Marketer is here to help. We offer comprehensive dental marketing services, including dental website design and marketing. We’ll help you get effective landing pages that convert visitors. Find out more about how we can help your dental practice by scheduling your free breakthrough call!  

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