How Effective are Direct-mail Postcards for Dental Marketing?

Open Mailbox Icon With The Text 'Direct Mail Written

In such a digital world, are direct-mail postcards valuable for dental marketing?


The truth may surprise you.


As important as digital marketing is, dental postcard marketing is not hopeless.


But to see results, you have to do it the right way.


Keep reading to learn more about modern dental direct mail advertising.

The Top Benefits of Dental Direct Mail


Dental postcards are extremely inexpensive, which makes them a good option for dental marketing. It’s affordable to create and send a lot of these, with prices going lower the larger your order is.

Build Strong Relationships

The internet is a very saturated place. It can be hard to truly reach your audience, let alone establish a relationship. Since fewer businesses are sending direct mail, this can be an effective method. For example, brand recall is 70% greater for those who receive direct mail ads compared to digital ones.

They Work

Direct mail dental marketing is effective. It can be a great part of your overall strategy, helping to get patients in the door. 56% of those who respond to direct mail visit the physical location.

Your Offer Matters

Like any form of marketing, your dental direct mail needs a compelling offer. If you only talk about what you offer but don’t direct recipients to take action, they won’t. While new patient deals can help, the offer is not only about coupons either.


So, what’s it about?

The transition from Dental Postcards to Your Website

Traditional dental postcards have a major disconnect from postcards to the internet. Rather than posting your homepage URL on the direct male, opt for a targeted landing page. The landing page should align with the service promoted on your postcard.

Get Help From Our Dental Marketing Experts

Dental direct mail is still a powerful way to attract, re-activate, and retain patients. However, there are several considerations for getting the best results. Part of the key is to connect your physical and digital advertising, and Dental Marketer can help you do just that. Our experienced dental marketing specialists are here to help you with all of your marketing needs, from dental direct dental website design and marketing. Schedule your free breakthrough Contact us to learn more!

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