What To Post On Social Media In November For Dental Offices

What To Post On Social Media In November For Dental Offices
As November hits, the year is coming to a wrap. Now is the best time to get patients in before the holidays.

It’s an important time to leverage social media marketing to grow your dental practice. Using social media wisely this month can help you remind patients to get treatment before things get busy and insurance benefits run out.

Here’s what dental offices should post on social media in November.

Dental Insurance Benefits Reminders

At the beginning of the year, benefits reset. Use social media to remind your patients that the year is coming to a close. Encourage them to come in and get the treatment they need before their dental insurance benefits are lost. Post a couple of reminders throughout the month encouraging patients to take advantage of their dental insurance benefits before they lose them at the end of the year.

This is a simple, yet powerful strategy for booking more appointments. Many patients push off dental cleanings or minor treatment until they are less busy but then forget. This simple reminder can be the nudge they need to book their appointment.


November is right before the peak holiday season. Still, there are many relevant holidays you can shout out on your social media. Here are some November holidays for dentists to post about:
  • November 1- National Brush Day. This is the PERFECT holiday for dentists (of course!). This day is all about children’s oral health and tooth brushing. There are many ways to post about this on social media. Share tooth brushing facts or tips. Consider running a giveaway for oral health goodies, or encourage patients to come by for a free toothbrush.
  • No Shave November - Month Long. No-Shave November aims to grow awareness for prostate cancer. The premise is that you do not shave all month, and then you donate what you would have spent on shaving products to cancer support. Shoutout this holiday and challenge your team or patients. Share photos along the way!
  • November 3 - National Stress Awareness Day. Your patients are probably stressed, and going to the dentist only adds more for some. Give some tips for stress relief, especially how to reduce stress for dental visits.
  • Nov 25 - Thanksgiving. Canadian dentists already celebrated last month, but many dental offices in the U.S. should post about Thanksgiving in November. Let your patients know how thankful you are for them!
  • Nov 26 - Black Friday/Cyber Monday. Black Friday is now celebrated internationally as a day for great deals! Most often, people aren’t thinking about the dentist at this time. Get them to by sharing an irresistible special, like free teeth whitening with a dental cleaning.

Simplify Social Media Marketing in November

Social media marketing for dentists is a great way to connect with patients and strengthen relationships. In November, it can be a powerful tool for generating more appointments and reactivating patients before the end of the year.


However, November is also a very busy time for your dental office. Dental Marketer is here to help you master social media marketing. Save a ton of time with our Social Media Content Calendar for dentists. It’s also quick and easy to get the perfect images with our Social Media Images catalog or to supplement your current posts with our 101 Social Media Post Ideas. Of course, if you want an expert to take social media completely off your plate, we are here to help. Schedule your free breakthrough call to learn more.

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