How Does Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) Affect Dental SEO?

How Does Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) Affect Dental SEO?

Digital marketing is a key strategy all dental practices should use to attract and retain patients. 


Your dental website is one of the big “magnets” of marketing that helps pull patients in. 


As many already know, getting your dental website to the top of the search ranks can be a major challenge. It’s why you must incorporate leading search engine optimization (SEO) strategies into your dental marketing. 


One of the most important concepts to understand within dental SEO is latent semantic indexing. 


Today, we’ll explain what latent semantic indexing SEO is and how it impacts your dental website. 


What is Latent Semantic Indexing?

Latent semantic indexing (LSI) is what search engines do to ensure users receive the right information from websites. 


Think about searching on Google. If a patient looks for a “root canal dentist in Mississauga” they want to see dentists in that area providing that service. It won’t do them much good to get a result for a dentist who doesn’t do root canals and is in Quebec. 


Essentially, LSI is the algorithm that Google and other search engines use to find relevant results and display them to searchers. 


For LSI, the simple keyword isn’t enough. Google also leverages related keywords to determine which content to show.

How LSI Affect Dental SEO

LSI is overall a great thing for dental SEO. By understandding it and leveraging it, you can help your website get in front of the right audience. Ultimately, properly implementing LSI SEO concepts will help your dental SEO and conversions. 


What exactly does that mean? Consider the keyword “teeth whitening.” That could mean professional dental teeth whitening, DIY products, retailers, etc. Well, you want to show up when people are searching for a teeth whitening dentist in their area. 


To do this, you should include more than just the primary keyword (teeth whitening). You should also include LSI keywords. Simply scroll down to “related searches” and choose the ones that are relevant. In this case, you could add “laser teeth whitening,” “teeth whitening near me.”

Dental SEO Mississauga

Latent semantic indexing may sound like a big fancy concept, but it just describes the  process search engines use to display results.


It gives you hints for which long-tail keywords to include and how to improve your dental SEO.


Even though using LSI may not be as hard as it seems, it can still take time, especially for beginners. Ultimately, you want to spend time on your patients and your practice, not on SEO.


Dental Marketer is here to help with dental SEO in Mississauga. We’ll handle LSI and all of the other key dental SEO strategies so you can focus on your practice.


Learn more about how we can help you grow your dental practice with latent semantic indexing SEO today. Schedule your free breakthrough call today!

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