The biggest month in history just a few weeks after COVID19

Dental Intel Stats
What did you feel as you opened your dental practice doors after COVID19?

Fear, uncertainty, lots of stress, overwhelm and worries about everything?

Have you given up on any production goals for June? (most dentists have)

Have you already convinced yourself to write off 2020 entirely?

Or maybe like most of our clients, you had a precise plan to follow, so you felt excited, happy, confident and motivated to have the biggest month in history!

I want to introduce you to our client, Dr. Rob, who had the biggest production in the history of his dental office in the month of June 2020. He’s made $215k, which was $33k (18%) better than production in June 2019 and $54k (33%) than in June 2018. It was also $66k higher than the previous month. That suggests that July 2020 will be another phenomenal month.
Dr. Rob’s challenge for June, like most dental offices, was to decrease the number of cancellations and no-shows. In May, he had 28% broken appointments. Knowing that, we needed to do whatever it took to decrease this number in order to achieve our production goals, PLUS we needed to increase the number of visits and production per visits as per the Profitability Formula.
Dental Intelligence Planning
And that’s what we did. After the first week of getting June’s data, we knew that our broken appointments % would be around 13%. Therefore, we focused on increasing the number of scheduled appointments by the same percentage. This allowed us to miss our 609 visits goal by just two appointments!!!
Dental Intelligence Statistics
Then we focused on increasing our production per visit for each of the providers. Setting their individual goals and measuring production against them, is the best possible strategy you can have today. Dental Intel makes it difficult not to meet them. It tracks every single provider’s production day-by-day and shows them opportunities, i.e. unscheduled Tx, outstanding AR balances, unscheduled family members, to name the few.
Dental Intelligence One Month Report
If you are at the point where you’re still not hitting your pre-COVID goals, or you simply are not happy with your dental office production, make sure you schedule your strategy call with us here.

On this call, we will identify what’s stopping your practice from reaching its full potential. We will explore where you would like to go with your business. If we can help you close the gap, we’re going to tell you and show you how to do it. If something else is better, we’ll steer you to whatever serves you the best. That way, you get significant value from our call with a clear roadmap for your dental practice to be more successful sooner vs later.

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