What You Can Learn From Our Top 3 Dental Websites

What You Can Learn From Dental Websites
Websites for dentists are incredibly important for attracting new patients and offering a seamless experience for current ones.

The best dental websites all have key qualities in common.

Today we’ll share some of the top things you can learn from some of the best dental websites.

1. Design

Great websites for dentists start with great design. Quality design combines aesthetics with great functionality. It’s clear and easy to find what you are looking for because of the good use of color and graphics. They include high-quality images, balanced white space, and good web design principles.

2. Call to Action

The purpose of a dentist’s website is to convert prospective patients. Throughout your site, remind patients of what they should do with a clear call-to-action. Every page should include a relevant CTA that’s easy to read and attention-grabbing. Putting the CTA in a different color is a great way to help it stand out.

3. Navigation

The top websites for dentists streamline navigation for site visitors. One great way to do this is with the help of memorable icons. For example, include a section with your top services. For each service, have bolded title, short description, and relevant icon. Visitors can click the icon to head to the full service page. Memorable icons improve web design and navigation.

4. New Patients Pages with Offers

Entice new patients with compelling offers. A new patients page will set your dental website apart from the competition. On the new patients page, be sure to include relevant offers. Some offer examples include:
  • Free dental cleaning
  • $ or % off of teeth whitening
  • Free electric toothbrush

5. List of Services with the Most Searchable Keywords in the Area

Patients want a clear, easy way to view the services you offer. Include a list of services on your website, but pay attention to local keywords. Within your list, leverage searchable keywords for your area to leverage SEO. Include nearby location words throughout your site, like “dentist + location” or “service title + location.”

6. SEO

To get your website to show up as one of the top search results, you must implement search engine optimization. Use SEO descriptions to improve your website’s search rank and authority on top search engines. The best dental websites weave SEO descriptions into compelling copy.

7. Ways to Capture Visitors’ Emails

Email marketing is a highly effective strategy for dental practices. Via email marketing, you can reconnect with patients, send offers, send reminders, promote relevant services and more. To build your list, you’ll need a way to capture emails. Use your website to capture visitors’ emails via a popup, contact form, or downloadable pdfs.

8. Social Proof

Choosing a new dentist is a big deal for patients. For many, the journey now begins online. Social proof is a powerful differentiator that will demonstrate to visitors that you are the best option. Leverage social proof and review stars on your website to put patients’ minds at ease. Use a “testimonials and reviews” page to display social proof and star ratings.

9. Online Scheduling

If patients have to jump through hoops to schedule an appointment, they will go somewhere else. While you definitely want to share your contact information, you should also make scheduling as easy as possible with online scheduling. All of the best dental websites offer online scheduling, and patients find it extremely helpful.

10. Livechat

Make it easy for patients to reach you with questions and concerns by including live chat. Live chat is a prominent feature of top websites in every industry, including dentistry. Oftentimes, patients can resolve issues via live chat in a matter of minutes. This can help avoid bad reviews and keep your relationship with patients strong.

11. ‘You Might Also Like’

Another helpful website tool is a “you might also like” section. For example, at the bottom of your service page for dental cleaning and exam, you may include things like teeth whitening, Invisalign, and cavity fill in a “you might also like” section at the bottom. For blog posts, you can share other relevant posts with this section. Doing this may help your patients find the content and information they are looking for.

12. Exit Intent Software

You may not be able to tell by looking, but effective websites for dentists leverage exit intent software. This software detects when visitors plan to leave the site. You can create an enticing offer that pops up when the exit intent software detects intent. This will help you convert more patients and capture more visitors.

Get the Best Dentist Websites for Yourself

To get a high-converting dental website, you must include the qualities above. This may seem time-consuming and difficult, but with the help of Dental Marketer it’s a breeze. Our knowledgeable dental marketing team can help you get the best dental website for your practice. We’ve already helped several dentists and labs achieve excellent results with the features above. Check out https://smilesonsouris.com/, https://carltondentallabs.com/, and https://signaturesmiles.ca/ for yourself! 

To learn more about how we can help you get a compelling dental website, schedule your free strategy call today!

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