The Ultimate Dental Marketing Plan: 7 Steps to Double the Number of New Patients

The Ultimate Dental Marketing Plan
Dental office marketing can be confusing and difficult for many dentists, but it’s incredibly important. The key to successful marketing for dentists is to have a sound dental marketing strategy.

While a strong dental practice marketing system takes time to set up and run, it is well worth the investment. A sound dental marketing plan can help you consistently generate quality leads and double the number of new patients you get.

Here are the top components of the ultimate dental marketing strategy.

1. Track Your Marketing Efforts

To efficiently use your time and effort, track your marketing efforts. Analyze the ROI you generate from various dental practice marketing strategies to determine which are the most effective. Assess the cost of patient acquisition to the production per visit and annual patient metrics. Based on your metrics, determine which strategies to pursue and which stop wasting time and money on.

2. PPC For Dentists

When done correctly, paid ads can be an incredibly powerful way to generate new quality leads. Beware, many dentists waste money on this dental marketing strategy when they don’t have to. When you work with an experienced dental marketing expert, you can leverage PPC to drive the patient acquisition below $25!

3. Dental SEO

SEO, or search engine optimization, is essential in the modern digital age and is a core dental marketing strategy. If your website does not show up as one of the top search results for dentists in your area, then you are losing patients to your competitors. With dental SEO, you can drive quality local traffic to your dental website and attract more organic leads. 

4. Optimize Your Website for Conversions

Getting traffic to your dental website is only one part of the dental practice marketing equation. You must also convert those visitors. To do so, you need a website that’s optimized for conversions. High converting websites have key components like easy navigation, valuable content, online scheduling, service pages, testimonials, and more. 

5. Teach the Receptionist How to Handle Objections

Objections get in the way of booking appointments. The key to increasing the lifetime value of a patient is scheduling appointments before they leave. Far too many dental practices let their patients leave because they don’t know the best way to respond to objections. Teach your receptionist and team how to handle the big 3 objections:
  • Spouse objection. “I need to check with my wife first.”
  • Money objection. “ I don’t have insurance/ I don’t have the money to pay for that treatment.”
  • "I need to think about it" objection

6. Email Editorial Calendars

Email newsletters are a great way to reach your patients and remind them of the treatments they need. To ensure an effective email marketing strategy, create an email editorial calendar. Plan out how you can promote services for the entire year via email.

7. Social Media Calendar

Social media is no longer an optional part of marketing for dentists. Dental offices need a strong social media strategy. The best way to approach social media marketing for dentists is with a social media calendar. Creating a calendar will help you save time, post more valuable content, and build an attractive feed.Click here to download 730 days of Social Media Content Calendar for any dental office.

Get Started with the Ultimate Dental Marketing Strategy

Successful dental office marketing includes the strategies above and more. To achieve great results, you must leverage a comprehensive dental digital marketing strategy for your practice. 

Understandably, most dentists still don’t have the time, expertise, or interest in doing the helpful strategies above. That’s where we come in! Dental Marketer’s team of dental marketing experts is here to help you create and run the ultimate dental marketing strategy. We can help you leverage the top marketing techniques to achieve a steady stream of prospective patients and drive the cost of patient acquisition down.

Learn more about how we can help you grow your practice today by scheduling your free strategy call.

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