6 Ways to Put Your Dental Practice Website on Steroids

Ways To Put Your Dental Practice Website
When people are looking for a dentist to meet their needs, they turn to the internet. That means that your dental website is one of the first things patients will see and gives you the chance to make a strong first impression.

If the website is lacking and patients cannot quickly find what they are looking for, they would leave to your competitors.

That is why your dental website design is critical for attracting new patients and retaining current ones.

But how can you optimize your dental website?

In this post, we break down the top 6 tips for putting your dental practice website on steroids.

1. Organize Your Website

Above all else, your dental practice website must be easy to use. Visitors should not have to search through millions of tabs or guess where to find the information they need. Prioritize ease of use and create an intuitive navigation menu. Keep the header clutter-free by putting the most important categories and then utilizing drop-down menus. Some of the visible categories might include:
  • Contact Us
  • Patient reviews
  • Home
  • Insurance information
  • FAQ
  • Services
  • Blog

2. Professional, Customized Design

Not far behind the organization is website design. To draw patients in and set your dental practice apart, you need a custom website with professional quality. Opt for custom design over website templates. Every other dentist is using the same template and stock photos, and patients can tell. Get your website custom designed to meet your long-term goals and brand identity. Instead of using stock photos, get real phots from your practice. Stock photos are generic and stale, and you do not need to hire a professional photographer to get amazing, authentic photos. Some custom photos you should include are:
  • Picture of your dental office, including your equipment, layout, etc.
  • Happy patient of all ages and demographics.
  • Photos for each service you provide (before and after photos).
  • Headshots and candids of you and your dental team.

3. Accessible Contact information

The last thing you want is to lose out on patients because it is too difficult to contact you. Make sure your contact information is clearly displayed throughout your entire site. While you should undoubtedly have a bold, easy-to-find “contact” page, you should also post the information elsewhere. For example, include your contact details and social media links at the top of your website.

Remove the barrier for patients by making your contact form short and straightforward. Avoid asking for too much information upfront, as the longer form is, the less likely people are to complete it. Offer many ways to get in touch, like email, phone, a contact form, and even a chatbot. Patients should be able to reach you as soon as they decide you are the dentist for them.

4. Call to Action

If you want a person to do something, then you should lead them to take that action. Display a clear call-to-action on your website for effective dental website marketing. Direct patients to your preferred method of contact and encourage them to perform the action that you are looking for, which will likely be to schedule an appointment.

5. Created with SEO in Mind

SEO for dentists should not be an afterthought in your dental website design. It should guide your website creation. For your website to even rank on the first page of search results, it needs to follow SEO best-practices. To make your dental site SEO-friendly:
  • Include internal links throughout
  • Make sure it is optimized for mobile 
  • Include keywords throughout your service pages
  • Integrate a regularly-updated blog
  • Make it easy to collect online reviews

6. Collect Emails with Education Resources

Relying just on social media, and the look of your website is not enough. Getting people to your site is only part of the equation. 97% of visitors leave without booking an appointment! To get these visitors to become patients take a bit more convincing approach. By implementing email marketing follow-ups, we helped our client Emily go from 0 to 15 Invisalign cases in just 3 weeks! Email marketing is the key to capture patients from your website and build long-term relationships with them. But how can you get people to leave their email? Through education resources like eBooks.
Visitors will leave their email because they want to take advantage of your free resource. This strategy positions your dental practice as an authority and allows you to handle questions and common objections preemptively. Learn how we have used this strategy to help our client book more high-value procedures and earn an extra $67.5k in revenue in just a few weeks by checking out this case study.

Dental Website Marketing Solutions

Are you ready to take your dental website and your entire practice to the next level? We can help. Dental Marketer has the industry knowledge and proven strategies to enhance your dental website design, and the entire marketing strategy so you can bring in more new patients than ever. Let us review your website and explain precisely how we can help. Get started today by booking your free strategy call HERE.

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