3 ways to improve your dental website design and marketing and finally start attracting new patients

" improve your dental website design and marketing"
You have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on dental education.

You have invested even more in your practice, equipment, staff and team training.

There is a point where you need to start driving new patients to your practice… but you have no idea how to do that. Word of mouth, good old flyers, new website, maybe even dental marketing is what you have done this far.

“But my dental advertising has never worked,” you said to yourself.

But why? Was it me or a dental marketing company? Strategy or lack of?

When it comes to dental marketing, you always need to rely on numbers. And numbers will tell you at what stage of the marketing funnel your concept didn’t work. In most of the situations, it comes down to the dental website. There are simple ways you can follow to easily improve your dental website marketing.

1. Know your end Goal

Before you start creating your website, you always want to ask yourself these questions:
What is my end goal?
What result do I expect?
What I want to achieve by creating my dental website?”

In most of the situations, we hear, “I want the best-looking website you can make.”
Can the best looking website bring you new patients? What you really need is a website that is best in converting new visitors into your patients. That should be your main focus.


2. Patient-Focused Design

When you start thinking more about creating a patient-focused website and less about the general look of the website, then everything will change. Your personal opinion will become less important, as now you are going to focus on the things that our potential patients would like to see. Individual, vibrant colours should be replaced by colours that would appeal to the broader audience. Personal pictures should be replaced with professionally made or stock photos. Your own ideas should be replaced with professional dental website marketing strategies. A freelance designer should be replaced with a dental marketing company that has a proven record of delivering exceptional results.

3. User Experience

There is nothing more frustrating for the potential patient than to go to a dental website and not be able to find the information they are looking for. At the same time, there is nothing more frustrating to the owner of the dental practice than seeing visitors on their website or even worse, spending money to get visitors on the website and not being able to convert them into patients.

There are a few essential factors you need to remember about to create a great user experience and have them contact your dental practice:


  • Have your contact information, hours and location displayed in places where your visitors would expect them to see: contact page, top of the page (header), the bottom of the page (footer)
  • Make sure your website displays correctly on any device. Your website should be fully responsive, therefore adjust its size to mobile devices, desktops and tablets.
  • Create content that is most likely to be searched by your potential patients. The entire content of your dental website should be based on the number of monthly Google searches for specific dental services in your location. Therefore the number of pages you are going to have should be related to the number of patients you would like to see in the future. Let me give you an example:
If your practice is based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, your potential patients would most likely use these keywords to search for:
  • a dentist: dentist Toronto, dental clinic Toronto, dental office Toronto
  • Invisalign provider: Invisalign Toronto, Invisalign braces Toronto
  • dentures: dentures Toronto, dentures cost Toronto.

You get the point.

Therefore before you even start creating the website for your office, you need to go through the most popular keywords for your location.

Dental SEO Keyword Stats
This way, you would be able to see what your potential patients are searching for and design your website and the entire website marketing around those searches. A fantastic advantage over your competitors!!! If you would like us to create keywords searches for your practice location, review your current website or plan a new one, feel free to reach out to us here.

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