Dental SEO is a powerful strategy that can help you grow your dental practice, but it’s not a regulated industry. Dental SEO companies do not have to have any specific license or certification to provide their services, and there’s no way to know the exact...

Have you checked where your practice ranks in relevant Google searches? If you search for your area and the keyword "dental office", where do you show up? If your website isn't showing up on the first page, you have a big problem. Prospective patients won't scroll...

It’s no secret that the dental industry is a very competitive space. In the past, excellent service and word-of-mouth referrals were the best ways to attract and retain patients.But with the advancement of technology, the ways people find dentists have changed drastically.Now, the vast majority,...

The first page of Google results captures 71% of all traffic clicks.Search Engine Optimization (SEO) gets your dental practice to the top of the search results, and without it, your dental practice is losing out.SEO should be your number one long-term marketing strategy if you...
