How to Consistently Attract New Patients to Your Dental Practice Even If You Don’t Know Where to Start

How to Attract New DEntal Patients
To run a rapidly-growing, successful dental practice, you need to retain current patients and continuously attract new patients. Attracting new patients is the key to keeping your business booming.

But how do you attract new patients to your dental practice?

In this post, we will share the dental practice strategies that you need to be doing right now to attract new patients.

Work on Your Reputation with Patients

To attract new patients to your dental practice, you need to boost your reputation with your current patients. Just because a patient comes once does not mean they will ever return. To gain high-value lifetime customers and attract new ones, you must bolster your reputation. 

First and foremost, you need to make a stellar first impression. Provide an incredible customer experience from the start. In the modern digital age, your first impression begins online. You need a clean, professional dental practice web design that caters to patients. 

The next step is to welcome patients into your practice. Your team should be warm and friendly, and always go the extra mile to leave a lasting impression. All employees need proper training in office etiquette and excellent customer service skills. A better reputation will help you get more patient referrals.

Invest in Search Engine Optimization

Attracting new patients to your dental practice starts online. Patients turn to the internet to search for and vet dentists. To attract local patients, you need an optimized website that appears at the top for relevant searches.

Search engine optimization, or SEO, helps your website rank higher, boosting your visibility to new patients. 71% of all people click on the first page of Google results. Your dental website needs to exhibit critical SEO qualities, and your practice must invest in the tried and true SEO techniques.

Enhance Your Web Presence

Bolstering a strong, cohesive web presence is one of the best dental practice strategies to attract new patients to your dental practice. Not only do you need a superb dental website design, but you also need to claim your listing in top directors. Set up and optimize your social media, Yelp, and Google My Business accounts. Make sure all of your information is up-to-date, uniform, and accessible. Enhancing your dental web presence will expand your reach and allow you to get new dental patients.

Social Media Presence

In 2019, social media was a top online activity, with 79%of the population having a social networking profile. For any modern business, including dental practices, social media needs to be a core part of your marketing strategy.

Use your social media to share updates and oral hygiene and dental education materials. Connect with new and current patients to strengthen your relationship and keep your practice at the forefront of their minds. Social media dental practice strategies can be confusing and time-consuming for dentists. That’s why we created these three helpful resources to help you streamline social media marketing for dentists:

Ask For Referrals

Even with the power of the internet, you still need referrals to attract new patients and increase patient volume in a dental office. Referrals are so powerful because they are a direct recommendation from a person who has gone to your practice. People trust advice and recommendations from people they know. 


Unfortunately, referrals seem like a loose cannon that you just have to hope pop up. However, you can take back control of referrals and increase the number of recommendations you get. Turn your happy patients into referring machines by:

  • Telling the patient to contact you directly if they share your name so that way, you can extend the same exceptional service to their referrals.
  • Offering useful information that your patient can easily share with others like a report, guide, brochure, or link to your online blog.

Dental Marketer Will Help You Increase Patient Volume in Your Dental Office

The dental practice strategies will help you get new dental patients. However, all great dental practice strategies take time and dental marketing knowledge. If you want to get new dental patients into your practice continuously, it is best to work with a dental marketing expert. 

That’s where we come in! Dental Marketer is a team of experts with extraordinary dental industry experience. We can help you grow your practice to the next level by implementing proven dental practice strategies to attract new patients. Learn more about how we can help you increase your patient volume by scheduling your free discovery call HERE.

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